Orders will be dispatched from our warehouse in The Netherlands, within 48 hours of ordering. If a delivery address is not provided, purchases will be automatically dispatched to the address provided in the payment details.

Please find following estimated shipping times; times are subject to change pending peak postal periods or alike.



2-3 Business days: Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg

3–4 Business days: Germany, Poland, Czech Republic

4-5 Business days: Sweden, Austria, Spain, Switzerland 

5-6 Business days: Slovakia, Slovenia, France, Italy, Denmark, Croatia, Hungary, United kingdom

6-7 Business days: Portugal, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania.

7-9 Business days: Bulgaria, Greece



Shipping Pricing  

Orders from: European Union, UK, Turkey and Iceland

Standard shipping is available to our customers

The shipping is calculated according to weight and location/delivery address. To view an estimate of the shipping cost relevant to your order, select “estimate shipping” after you have placed the item(s) into your shopping cart.

BRAUS Fight holds no responsibility for non-delivery or delayed delivery as a result of incorrect delivery details provided at time of purchase. Nor can we guarantee that the delivery of goods to your particular country or location is allowed, so please take note of your own import restrictions before placing an order.

Please check if customs duties applies to your country when ordering our products.